Originally hailing from New York, Ryan Gebhardt began releasing music with his band The Humble Cheaters in 2016. After releasing two albums, he embarked on what was then a solo endeavor, Stanley. His self-titled debut LP, Stanley, was released on Forged Artifacts (USA) & King Forward Records (NL) in the fall of 2017 and coincided with Ryan's move to Minneapolis. With a new band in Minneapolis, Stanley released a handful of singles and did several tours, playing with bands like Post Animal, Berta Bigtoe, Purple Funk Metropolis, Slow Pulp, Sleepy Gaucho, and many more. Stanley's sophomore release, Afternoon Stanley, came out in early 2020 on Acrophase Records. Also in 2020, Ryan released The Humble Cheaters, the third LP from the band, as well as Pen Pals with his other side project Astro Heart. With shows off the table during the Coronavirus pandemic, Ryan decided to use the opportunity to pursue a new, more folk-oriented, solo project. The debut single, "Lemon Farm," came out in the fall of 2020. Shortly thereafter, Monday Love, the debut EP was released. The title track was featured as the Song of the Day on Minnesota Public Radio's The Current in January of 2021. Ryan followed up the debut EP with "I'd Like To Meet Your Ghosts," his 2022 debut album and has release a second LP and another EP in 2023, "Cooking For One" and "seven little numbers," respectively.
For You to Keep - Ryan Gebhardt
Close to Home - Ryan Gebhardt
Lemon Farm - Ryan Gebhardt
Cooking for One - Ryan Gebhardt
Ryan Gebhardt Interview