Stories from the Wake

Stories from the Wake

Real College Podcast linked up with The Wake Magazine to share their stories on our show. First, Ashley Seduta reads about enjoying life without a reason, then a story about the worth of handmade items. Afterwards, Quinn McClurg reads two of her works: Creature and This Damn City. Bianca Llerna shares her story Love Patterns. Last, Jose Miguel Manrique brings us their Numbers that Deserve No Counting. 
"Irrationally Wonderful" - Ashley Seduta [1:18 - 3:47]
"The Love Between the Stitches" - Ashley Seduta [3:47 - 6:23]
"Creature: An Interrogation of a Distorted, Yet Coveted Form" - Quinn McClurg [6:23 - 15:11]
"This Damn City: Balancing State Sponsored Violence with Resistant Histories" - Quinn McClurg [15:11 - 22:55]
"Love Patterns - Bianca Llerna" [22:55 - 24:55]
"Numbers that Deserve No Counting" - Jose Miguel Manrique [24:55 - 30:30]
  • Stories from The Wake