100gecs 10.19.21
Let me set the scene for you -it’s a crisp October evening. The lights of downtown Minneapolis are shining the way they do the night before it rains. The air outside stings slightly, but First Ave is packed shoulder to shoulder with a crowd composed of every flavor of alt kid, minecraft ambassadors, and general music enthusiasts from the Twin Cities. This is where I found myself, surrounded by a chorus of “Gecs! Gecs! Gecs!” on Tuesday night, mentally gearing up for Laura Les and Dylan Brady to rock my world.
The famous venue filled with the pulsating beats and melodic autotune of Aaron Cartier as they got the crowd moving. Every song was filled with notable hyperpop influence, solid lyricism and Cartier’s charisma easily set the tone. During the set, the excitement in the room continued to grow as bodies filtered into general admission, and then the balconies and then the stairs -an infectious energy clearly building through the crowd. It was a really enjoyable set and the Gecs chose well with Aaron Cartier -a talented artist that complemented their sound well.
Chants of “Gec! Gec! Gec!” ricocheted around the venue between sets as the crowd collectively hyped each other up for the upcoming performance. A hyperpop duo from St. Louis, 100 Gecs is notorious for their pulsating beats, electronic influences, catchy tunes and the general controlled chaos that characterize most of their songs. Their unique individual style, general indifference to the music industry and niche humor has made them a cult favorite, and it was easy to see the love the crowd had for the two Gecs as they casually took to the stage.
Laura Les and Dylan Brady got straight to business, funky hat and all, as they filled the room with furious hyperpop beats that immediately got the masses writhing in a frantic manner that somehow synced up perfectly with the music. It was truly beautiful to see the way the crowd collectively reacted to every song the duo cranked out.
I was personally excited to hear Ringtone -it’s catchy tune and bouncy beat launching me back to warmer times when it would be blasting from my car’s speakers as I whipped down the interstate, windows down, AC broken, seatbelts scalding, energy gloriously hectic. Other fan favorites were also played that night including but not limited to Money Machine and Stupid Horse. Yeah, I did hear hundreds of people scream “Hey you little piss baby” on a Tuesday night in case you were wondering. There was one moment when a giant mosh pit opened in the center of the floor and I swear my life flashed before my eyes, but that being said, I would like to note that it was perhaps one of the most respectful moshes I have ever participated in.
The fast and furious forty five minute set was truly a phenomenal experience that was heightened by a wonderfly responsive crowd. I’ve had 100 Gecs described to me a 100 different ways, but if I were to toss my two cents in, simply put, they’re two friends who love making big sounds, have a good time doing it, and are clearly surrounded by fans who love them unconditionally. Despite the intense autotune, it was one of the most pure, natural, energies I’ve had the opportunity to experience. Excited for the new album whenever that gets released and to see the other 98 Gecs at future concerts!
by Cat Grimm