BELLAdonna by ZORA

BELLAdonna by ZORA

Minneapolis’s own ZORA has released a conceptual yet provocatively real album in BELLAdonna. Her sound is adjacent to that of legendary producer, SOPHIE, mixed with an undoubtedly genius influence of Prince–all coming together under a completely unique sonic landscape with pertinent lyrics. ZORA’s album explores raw subjects and touts self-expression and creation as the ultimate act of resistance and joy. Through this, the album powerfully discusses the life of a transgender woman and the struggles that come with living in a society where transness is discriminated against, all the while underscoring that living as one’s fullest self, no matter how society views that self, is the only way to survive. This bold and timely album is such a phenomenal reflection of the world in which we live from the perspective of those it most often hurts.