Manning Fireworks by MJ Lenderman

Manning Fireworks by MJ Lenderman

MJ Lenderman: the only artist truly deserving of the title of “America’s Sweetheart.” Far from his first musical release, the North Carolina multi-instrumentalist has solidified himself as a charming songwriter and outstanding live performer. On this album, Lenderman embraces surreal storytelling that perfectly evokes the intended emotion. Writing about losers, scumbags, and spiritually confused individuals, there’s a remarkable sense of relieving humor about trying to avoid the negative aspects of oneself. Especially on the closing track, the central fear of this album shines through with lines “You’re in on my bit / You’re sick of the schtick,” citing that a lover (perhaps the audience as well) is over his antics. This self-reflecting, yet goofy album paints a picture of a life not fully realized and emotions not yet processed. What’s more real than that?