"Welfare Jazz" by V*agra Boys

"Welfare Jazz" by V*agra Boys

“Welfare Jazz” by Sweedish post-punk group V*agra Boys, is a bubbling cauldron of regret and emotion with some light jazz touches mixed throughout for good measure. It’s not enough to call this album noisy or explosive, instead, Viagra Boys uses a variety of bubbling and gurgling sounds to give a sense of propulsion that makes the album pop without relying solely on overwhelming dissonant instruments and jacked up vocals. At the time of writing songs for the album frontman Sebastien Murphy said in a press release, he was “taking drugs and being an asshole” and this album is him coming to terms with not liking the goals he had for himself. This comes through clear on songs like  “Into the Sun” where Murphy questions through a hoarse voice  “What kind of person have I become?” Through thirteen tracks and deep personal reflection, Murphy and his band create a new and engaging post-punk experience on this sophomore record. 


By Emma Chekroun